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Bombing the Moon?!?

NASA Moon Bombing Is Cause For Worry
By Ted Twietmeyer 6-22-9

What's NASA up to now? The closer we look at this mad science experiment, the more we can see a bigger, hidden ugly picture.

Our Moon is extremely important to our Earth and our survival. It acts as a flywheel/stabilizer for Earth's non-spherical shape. Simulations show that without the Moon oceans would become dead zones. Tides would no longer ebb and flow, which are vital to numerous forms of life world wide. Many sea turtles, crabs and other animals rely on tides for their survival. This ties directly into our food chain, too.

Apollo missions forty years ago left retro-reflective mirrors on the Moon, to measure its distance relative to Earth. Lasers send out a precisely timed pulse, and can measure the distance to within a fraction of an inch.

Now the National Science Foundation is going to cut funding for the McDonald laser ranging station at Ft. Davis, Texas. [1] We hear of millions to billions of dollars being pissed away by pork barrel projects. And "National Science Foundation" kills this project that consumes a paltry $125,000/year?

Something is very wrong here.

If NASA wanted to continue the project, which they should be doing, they could tell the NSF not to cancel this project. But apparently NASA is remaining silent. Just as they have remained silent about numerous Mars discoveries being made by the ESA Mars mission.

Like many people, I've been quietly watching the Not Always Science Agency. And this latest uncle-axe-job comes about at a very unusual time.

In just a few months, NASA will EXPLODE a TWO TON bomb on the Moon. They claim this is in the interest of paving the way for colonization, and "to find water." Now this is where the NASA nonsense piles up into an ugly heap, like bed sheet wrinkles on a bed made by a 4 year old.

So what's the problem? Here are just a few of the facts that come to light:

1. Exploding a bomb on the moon will displace several miles of Lunar material according to what NASA claims will happen.

2. The displacement of lunar material will follow Newton's law about equal and opposite reaction. This means that an equal force will be exerted on the Moon to match the force it takes to eject miles of material. No one can actually predict what will happen, just as NASA failed miserably predicting the results of another experiment. In a previous mission, a NASA spacecraft fired a high velocity copper warhead penetrator into a comet's core. The results were not what they expected. This is because popular science theory really believes comets are dirty snowballs. Instead, the actual results were already predicted by the electric universe theory. Comets are not dirty snowballs which is something many of us already knew. Yet again, NASA refused to use common sense and look at theories based on real evidence and science, such as the electric universe theory.

3. If the McDonald Moon ranging project is cancelled, no one will be able to measure the displacement of the Moon caused by the explosion. Perhaps this is the idea by cancelling the project.

4. Exploding a bomb on the Moon is against all international laws and treaties. NASA doesn't own the Moon and they never will, and as such have no right to instigate such madness. This madness is on a par with the utterly insane space elevator.

5. Last but not least is the water issue. This is one follows yet another big lie. Almost every book about our solar system claims it is nearly a perfect vacuum. So how does water behave when exposed to a reduced atmosphere? The speed it evaporates (sublimates) is in proportion to the amount of atmosphere present. If a window blows out of a plane at 50,000 ft. water and blood will boil. And that's not even in a very good vacuum.

And here's what it all comes down to ­ water disappears completely in a vacuum. Therefore, the idea of NASA finding water on the Moon by exploding a bomb in a vacuum on the Moon is utterly ridiculous. Heat from the bomb combined with the vacuum will flash-evaporate any trace water so fast it cannot not be measured. No two ton bomb has ever exploded without generating tremendous heat, and this heat will blind infrared sensors. Long before the sub-lunar surface cools off to take a reading, any water will be long gone. So the idea of using a bomb to find water is wrong on many levels.

There also remains an even bigger and more important question ­ what happens if they disturb the Moon's orbit? Few people alive today remember what NASA said when the spent Lunar Landers were ejected and crashed into the Moon. NASA stated that the seismograph instruments the Apollo crew left behind showed that after a Lunar Lander crashed into the Moon, that it "made the Moon ring like a bell for more than 30 minutes." Would this same thing happen if the Moon were made of solid rock?

The Lunar Lander ascent stage weighed just 10,334kg. which is about the equivalent weight of an 11 ton truck.

The mass of the Moon has been calculated to be 7.36 1022 kilograms. That's a 7.36 followed by 22 zeroes.

So how could an 11 ton spacecraft, which weighs even less on the Moon because gravity is 1/6 that of Earth - make 7,360,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms of rock ring for half an hour? Who could believe this?

This appears to strongly prove the Moon MUST be hollow. And if the Moon is actually hollow, it will take far less to disturb its orbit than anyone currently realizes. How many millions of kilograms of force will bombing the Moon generate? We are not being told that figure.

Disturbing the Moon's orbit may cause tidal waves and quite possibly Earthquakes in many zones around the Earth where edges of tectonic plates are already at or near the breaking point of sliding. The stress caused by a sudden shift in the Moon's gravitational pull could be a serious catastrophe. Who knows what it might do to the Yellowstonesuper-volcano which is already heating up and has made larger areas of Yellowstone park unusable.

And if the NASA experiment goes badly wrong (like most NASA projects do the first time NASA tries them) what do they think countries of the world will do? Send a bill to theUSA for damages? Perhaps NASA will do what they usually do. Lie their way out of the problem.
There are several things everyone can do to stop this:

1. Tell NSF they CANNOT cancel the $125k/year McDonald project. Let them cut funding some other useless project, not one as valuable as this project has suddenly become. It is too important to our entire Earth and it can act as a safeguard. Tell NSF the McDonald project should also make measurement data accessible to the public in real time on the internet.

2. Tell NASA they CANNOT even think about Moon bombing until the Moon's mass and interior is better understood, and the Moon is proven to be completely solid and not hollow.

3. The new upcoming Moon mission(s) can be used to acquire new and more accurate data about the Moon and its interior by performing a seismographic survey of the Moon. Such surveys are routinely used by oil companies to prevent mistakes. NASA should swallow their pride and take a lesson from established oil exploration technology that has been used on Earth for about 100 years.
People DO make a difference. There was an attempt by NASA to decommission Hubble a few years ago, but such an outcry sprang up that the telescope's mission was extended several years.
Enough people screaming and yelling will make a difference and stop this project before something bad and irreversible happens. All the evidence and data points to this happening as a real possiblity.
Is bombing the Moon really worth risking orbital stability, killer Earthquakes and the futures of countless life-forms on Earth?

Or creating an irreversible disaster?

Ted Twietmeyer

[1] -

9 Traits of Masculine Men...

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Home of Henry Makow Ph.D.
Nine Traits of Masculine Men
May 14, 2009
by Bobbi Wingham (a woman, ex feminist)Women need to encourage men to be masculine - who they really are and not who women think they should be. This means women should back off. But, for the guys out there who haven't got a clue who they are and what real women want and need, here goes:

The Traits of a Masculine Man

Confidence: Believe in yourself, not only that you can do what you set out to do, but that you already are what you need to be (even if on the outside it doesn't yet show). Everything begins with a thought. Watch your thinking. In the Bible, it says, "As a man thinketh, so is he." A masculine man is confident even in the face of rejection and its aftermath so that it doesn't phase him and he moves on if necessary. A truly confident man has nothing to prove.

Courage: A masculine man is courageous (I'm not talking about being willing to do stupid stunts, either), willing to do what is necessary without showing weakness (even if you are scared to death). A man cannot be truly courageous and brave if he does not fear something. If a woman is carrying on and wanting to pick a fight, don't back down and run away (but don't fight either). A woman is not a child, but would you run out the door if a child were throwing a tantrum or would you stay and handle the situation?

Responsibility: Take responsibility for what happens in your life and stop being a victim. Being a victim is exactly what our society expects you to be. Be who you really are intended to be - a leader and victor. Make plans and carry them out. Don't fear failure. Someone once said, "If you show me a man who has never made a mistake, I'll show you a man who has never done anything." Refuse to be a victim no matter what you encounter. Consider yourself a "warrior" and victor in all of life's curve balls. Change your plans if necessary, take charge of your life and where it goes. Learn from the battles lost and go on to win the war.

Discipline: Take charge of your life and what goes on in it. Carry out and complete your goals. Do everything you say you will do. Eat right and stay in shape, therefore you will also be able to think more clearly.

Honesty, Integrity, and Kindness: Be honest with yourself and others holding yourself to the highest of standards. Find the fine line between kindness and honesty when necessary. Sometimes, one is more important than the other. With some finesse, you will be able to be honest and kind at the same time. Be kind and gentle toward women, children, and the elderly.

Treat Women Like Women:
Most of today's men don't seem to have a clue anymore (this is largely because of feminism). I take my kids to Judo practice and am saddened by what I experience there. There are only a few chairs and they are always full of both men and women. When I arrive, not one man ever offers me his chair - a masculine thing. Real men honor women. Real men treat others with respect and dignity. I once read about two men standing on a sidewalk when a prostitute walked by. One man tipped his hat and said, "Good day, ma'am." The other looked the other way, then later asked, "Why did you even speak to her, she's a prostitute!" To which he replied, "I greeted her not because of who she is but because of who I am." This is a masculine man.

We have two ears and one mouth for good reason - we are supposed to be doing twice as much listening as speaking. When a woman speaks, listen with your heart. Instead of thinking, "Oh great, here she goes again." think, "She has a need. What is it? What can I do to help." This goes against the nature of today's men, it seems. They want to strike back and have forgotten who they are dealing with. When a woman lets you know she 's upset, what she is really doing is asking you to take charge and help her. It is a cry for help. Most of the time she will just need your love, understanding, and a listening ear, but under no circumstances are you to take abuse from her. Make that very clear. You must keep your cool. A woman will not respect a man who looses his cool in the face of adversity.

Defend the Weak: Protect and provide for your family and anyone who is being unfairly attacked. Consider getting martial arts training, learn to use guns and keep them ready, etc. Be prepared for disasters and have a plan. Refuse to allow anyone to overstep their boundaries, but be smart about how you accomplish this. Plan ahead. Remember, you are a leader so act like one.9. Inspire submission: A masculine man in a relationship with a woman will always inspire and never force her submission. He will remain a gentleman at all times when dealing with a woman.

For you women who want this kind of man (and most do no matter what they say), this is the easy part. You don't have to give your man a long list of rules or tell him how to be a man; it's already there inside him. Just step back, show him respect, and let him decide. Encourage him gently not so much with words but your actions. Give him time and space. If you step back he'll have to step up to fill the void you once filled, or else there is no relationship. - Obama's Elite Agenda: Black Abortion for Profit - Obama's Elite Agenda: Black Abortion for Profit

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