I know that there are going to be many African American families and many others watching this CNN Special that airs on July 22nd. This disappoints me in so many ways. Why are our struggles broadcasted? Don't we already see that inside & outside our homes, in music video's (lol), in schools? Do you or I need that thrown in our face continually? And did the geniuses of CNN forget what type of country America is? The majority of people are out for themselves..and that includes Black Americans. We're not a tribe/clan that's going to come together and fix our problems within and without. Black Americans did try to come together before CNN, remember? And our leaders were killed... enough of that lol
To me it is all about the individual person. Whatever race you may happen to be. Take care of your family. That is where it begins; home. TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS!!!! Be responsible for what they watch, listen, eat, and what type of people are involved in their lives. There are not enough good parents out there. CNN needs to do a special on teaching people who want to have kids or already have kids how to be parents then I will watch it.
So (Black) Americans.. we're doing well.. there are things we need to work on individually and with our families. We already know what to do we just need to stop being lazy..yes, I am including myself in this sentence.
Yeah I agree, people didn't care than and i highly doubt they do now.